Common Causes For Foot And Ankle Pain


No matter the reason for your foot or ankle pain, it can impact your quality of life on a daily basis. We take pride in caring for our patients and helping them to alleviate their foot and ankle pain through quality treatment protocols and correct pain management. Work with us at A Step Ahead Foot & Ankle Center to get the help you need for your foot and ankle pain.

No matter the reason for your foot or ankle pain, it can impact your quality of life on a daily basis. We take pride in caring for our patients and helping them to alleviate their foot and ankle pain through quality treatment protocols and correct pain management. Work with us at A Step Ahead Foot & Ankle Center to get the help you need for your foot and ankle pain.


Plantar Fasciitis

This is a very painful condition that can impact people who are very active or who have to stand on their feet for many hours a day. The natural shape of your foot can also cause this painful condition. Plantar Fasciitis requires a long-term plan as well as a correct pain management protocol that can be undertaken right away. This is a condition that our office treats frequently and with great success. You can be free of this condition if you work with our specialists. We will create the right treatment plan for your plantar fasciitis and guide you through the process from start to finish.


Arthritis and Tendonitis

Both of these conditions are based in large part on inflammation. Inflammation processes can lead to lots of pain as well as swelling and tissue damage. Arthritis is a bone condition that causes the breakdown of joints and leads to ongoing inflammatory processes. Tendonitis is related to overuse of a joint and can lead to scarring of the soft tissue, as well as shortening of tendons which is hard to repair. Managing the inflammatory processes is key to resolving the pain of both of these conditions. You will get access to both short and long-term care treatments when you work with us for your pain management needs. We treat both of these conditions on a daily basis and understand how to prevent further damage and ongoing pain.



This is a condition that causes a permanent bend in one or more toes in the foot. Hammertoes can cause ongoing pain and limitations as to what kinds of activities someone can engage in. The pain of hammertoe can be tough to manage, but there are new treatment methods that have been developed over the past ten years. These treatments might include therapy as well as surgical intervention. We can provide you with the right care for this foot condition and help you get the support that you need. Hammertoe is a foot problem that can lead to years of pain, but our team can help you to improve your foot health and manage the pain of this condition or even resolve it permanently.


Fractures and Other Kinds of Breaks

Fractured, sprained, or broken bones can lead to long-term pain, even when the bone has healed. This is because soft tissue can be involved in the injury as well. The aftercare for broken bones does not always include physical therapy to help with soft tissue damage and ongoing pain or weakness in the joint or bone. You will find that we can craft a care program that will help your foot or ankle heal completely and be pain-free. Physical therapy, as well as other therapy protocols, can help your bones heal properly and can manage your pain. Pain management requires a long-term plan in most of these cases, and we can help you resolve this problem with our quality treatment plans.

Contact Us Today

No matter which common foot condition you are dealing with, you will get the care that you need when you work with us at A Step Ahead Foot & Ankle Center. We can help you to get long-lasting relief from your pain condition and heal your feet with ease. Get the help you need by scheduling an appointment today!

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